Check we deliver to your area by using the postcode checker at the top of the page.
Click on the availability button under the main header (before the reviews) to check we have availability at the time you want your pizzas delivered. We highly recommend you do this before trying to place your order to avoid frustration but please be aware that if someone is ordering at the same time the slot may well have gone before you get to checkout!
We always recommend pre-ordering as early as possible to avoid this scenario.
Click on the pizzas that you want to order and if you wish to customize your pizza click the customize button and click the items you want to add.
Mouse over the basket & remove items from your order if you want to or click view basket to edit your order or click checkout
Fill in your delivery details & select delivery option then choose your time slot for delivery. Only the available time slots will show on the system. Please note that 8.45pm is the last time you can place an order for that evening.
Its super super useful to us if you drop the pin exactly where your house is. It makes it less stressful for our delivery guys as we can find you straight away. It also means your pizzas get delivered quicker!
Even if you think your house is easy to find – it’s very difficult to see house numbers in the dark!
Use Order Notes to remove ingredients, special dietary requirements or delivery instructions. If you have not dropped a pin to tell us exactly where you are then please give us any relevant delivery information here too. Hidden house numbers & unfamiliar roads can make you difficult to find – hints are greatly appreciated! The quicker we deliver the hotter your pizza will be! You can use this space to tell us any other useful info too Eg – if you need us to be quiet because of sleeping babies, call you because you’re out in the garden etc.
Review your order and make a payment. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm the date and time – please check you have selected the right ones. You will receive a confirmation order via email.
If you have not received a confirmation order please check your spam box – occasionally confirmation emails to Hotmail accounts go AWOL so don’t panic – we have not yet lost an order but if you want to just double check then please contact us on 01242 375678.
Once we’ve lovingly made your pizza and it’s out for delivery we will send you another email to confirm it’s on its way!
Enjoy your pizza! Please feel free to leave us a review and we’ll send you a 15% discount code off your next order!